From Nintendo and Illumination comes a new animated film based on the world of Super Mario Bros. The Super Mario Brothers find themselves transported to a mysterious land called the Mushroom Kingdom. Join Mario on his quest to save Luigi—and the world—from the grips of evil Bowser and his army. Collect your favorite characters in The Super Mario Bros. Movie 5” Figure series. The Mario figure is inspired by the movie and comes with premium details including realistic acrylic eyes and 16 points of articulation. Mario comes with a removable plunger accessory, all showcased in window box. Wave 1 features Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Toad. You can collect them all! – 5” figure with premium details – 16 points of articulation – Realistic acrylic eyes – Plunger accessory – Ages 3+ – Each sold separately
5” Mario figure with premium details and textures
16 points of articulation and realistic acrylic eyes
Comes in collectors packaging
Plunger accessory also included
Suggested for kids ages 3 years and up
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