
Frozen [DVD]

(13 customer reviews)


£8.08 £8.94

Adam Green writes and directs this suspense thriller. When three college friends – Dan (Kevin Zegers), Joe (Shawn Ashmore) and Parker (Emma Bell) – take off into the mountains for an impromptu skiing trip, a series of unlucky events leads to the trio becoming trapped in a ski-lift suspended high above the frozen mountainside. As night closes in and the temperature plummets, horror awaits the three friends as they are forced to make brutal life-and-death decisions in order to survive.

SKU: 753E813F Category:

Based on 13 reviews

4.2 overall

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  1. Nat

    This film keeps you on the edge of your seat.


  2. Francisco José López Franco

    todo fabulosa pelicua

    Francisco José López Franco

  3. Helen Atkinson

    This is one of those movies that stayed with me, because it’s so real. This could happen to anyone, although I would hope that a ski resort would not accept a cash bribe to allow one last ride up for a ski slide down. Anyhow, the script is good, and it contains zero swear words, which is rare. I also like that it has only three main characters, who each carry the movie. This is true horror set in reality. I’ve watched it two or three times and would recommend it to those who like to concentrate on a movie, because if you watch it in the background while doing other stuff, it won’t be enjoyable.

    Helen Atkinson

  4. Pimp Brokt

    Region B and sadly no english subtitles only german subs. Great story, tense and really enjoyable! I have watched this years ago and loved it. Now i wanted to have this one in my collection. Not for sale in the Netherlands but gladly we have Amazon.

    Pimp Brokt

  5. Barry Thomas

    Sorry for them to go without staff knowing.

    Barry Thomas

  6. Kindle Customer


    Kindle Customer

  7. APB- Girl

    Weil er nicht realitätsfremd IST.
    Weil er irre spannend IST.
    Weil er richtig deftige Schockmomente HAT.
    Weil er Menschen in Extremsituationen ohne Übertreibung ZEIGT.
    Und weil er mir die Tränen in die Augen TREIBT. Immer wieder.
    FROZEN- EISKALTER ABGRUND hat Atmosphäre, die mir die Schuhe auszieht.
    Klasse geiler Sound flasht zusätzlich.
    Aus einem Gag, einem Abenteuer wird der festgefrorene Albtraum.
    In frierender Höhe. Der perfekte, eiskalte Thrill- aus Spass wird Ernst.
    Bitterer Ernst. Kaltes Entsetzen. Das lähmt.
    Als ich FROZEN- EISKALTER ABGRUND das erste Mal sah, empfand ich diese
    Szenerie fast unerträglich- damit hatte ich nie gerechnet.
    Der Film geht an die Substanz- ich war angespannt bis in die Zehennagelränder.
    Mein Herz klopfte bis zum Hals, ich zitterte automatisch mit.
    War mittendrin…..mitgefangen im schwebenden, schaukelnden und vereisten
    Sessellift. In der zunehmenden Gewissheit baumelnd, dass hier wirklich nichts
    und keine Hilfe in Sicht ist. Keiner uns bemerkt. Keiner von uns weiß.
    Niemand mehr da, der auch nur die leiseste Vermutung hat, was sich hier oben
    für ein nervenfetzendes Drama abspielt.
    ” Wie willst du pinkeln, wenn der Sicherheitsbügel unten bleiben soll? “-
    ” Ich kann`s halten. ” – ” Eine Woche lang? “
    Anfänglich noch aus lustiger Unfassbarkeit ins Lächerliche gezogen……..
    ändert sich die Situation bald schlagartig. Und die Emotionen……….!
    Und kein Wunder, dass FROZEN- EISKALTER ABGRUND mit noch mehr Horrorgefühl
    punkten kann- spielt doch mein geliebter Kane Hodder hier tatsächlich( freu )
    eine kleine Nebenrolle. Wow!!



    Die Nachtbeleuchtung wird ausgeschaltet- und der einsam besetzte
    Sessellift mit drei Freunden bewegt sich keinen Millimeter mehr.
    Mit zunehmender Panik erkennen die Vergnügungssüchtigen, dämmert
    es ihnen, dass man sie einfach vergessen hat.
    Verzweifelte Maßnahmen im Angesicht des Todes durch Erfrieren.
    Im Kampf gegen die Zeit müssen sie sich fragen, ob ihr Überlebens-
    wille stark genug ist……..diesem Tod zu entkommen…………..



    Und wieder massig abgrundtiefe und keinesfalls ( von mir! ) nachvollziehbare
    schlechte Bewertungen. Manchmal frage ich mich echt, aus welchen auch immer
    Gründen man einen eindeutig makellosen, meisterhaft gespielten FILM einfach
    so behämmert und gedankenlos abwertet. Kaum zu glauben.
    Das Schicksal des aus der Gondel springenden jungen Mannes ist dermaßen und
    sowas von schockierend, (ganz zu schweigen von den späteren Bildern des Unglücklichen!)
    dass ich mich schon kurz vorm Limit meiner fanatischen und geliebten Horrorfilmsucht
    befand…weil es so real rüberkommt.
    Aber nein- FROZEN- EISKALTER ABGRUND ist ja total unrealistisch, langweilig.
    Geht`s denn noch? Oder was geht hier und mal wieder und überhaupt ab?
    Bei manchen Wichtigtuern verschlägt es mir glatt die Spucke- und wieviele
    Experten hier wieder aufschlagen, die schon Mal blutend und hilflos einem
    Wolfsrudel im Schnee gegenüber saßen…sagenhaft. Glückwunsch!
    Tiere SIND unberechenbar. Vor allem, wenn sie Hunger haben. Und wenn sie Blut
    riechen..ach, lassen wir das.
    Mir galt jedenfalls die volle Aufmerksamkeit und Sorge den zweifellos prima Darstellern,
    die ganz schön harte, kalte Arbeit mit Liebe zum Detail absolvierten, ablieferten.
    Was für eine Dummheit, zu versuchen, den Lift zu verlassen. Nicht wahr?
    Und ja- die “erfahrenen” Skilifthängenbleiber hier harren aus…warten….und warten.

    FÜNF frostbeulige Sterne! Die auf Leute pfeifen, die wieder alles besser wissen.
    Besser machen würden. Bessere Dialoge parat hätten.
    Und auf die, die schon mal in den Genuss kamen, einfach laufen zu lassen…….
    und in die Hose zu pinkeln.


    Lauflänge: 84.54 Minuten( ohne Abspann )!

    Bonusmaterial: (übrigens auch grandios)

    – Deleted Scenes= 6.42 Minuten!

    – Surviving Frozen= 50 Minuten!! ( Englischkenntnisse v. Vorteil )

    – Deutscher Trailer, Original Trailer!

    APB- Girl

  8. Jody

    A movie has never made me feel such raw emotion. Imagining yourself in their shoes, wondering what you would do to survive? This is definitely an under rated movie and everyone should see it. I have seen this movie three times and it stills gives me chills.


  9. Mr. N. Wildman

    I saw an advert for this ages ago before it came out in the cinema and I was really looking forward to it. I unfortunately completely forgot about it after that until I saw the DVD pop up on Amazon so I of course bought it immediately.

    The film starts off very well, setting up the inevitable stranding with some good acting. I won’t ruin what happens because to be honest, there isn’t much to tell! That and another reason I’ll explain in a sec is why this only got 3 stars from me. That being said, I can’t really think of many more things they could have done with the setting they chose i.e. 3 people stuck on a ski lift. You wouldn’t have many options!

    The positive points:

    This is a low-budget film but to be honest you wouldn’t really notice that because everything is done in a very realistic fashion, no heroic theatrics, just the very real possibility of being stuck in that situation and what you would have to do to survive.
    The acting throughout is actually very very good, especially from Shawn Ashmore, who I have a growing like for since his outing in the x-men films.
    There is a bit of inevitable gore but this is kept to a minimum, using only just enough to get the point across but not going overboard. I’m really glad they took this approach because it would have been easy to just turn it into a blood fest. Most of the gory stuff happens off screen but you can still hear it and that has a much deeper effect than actually seeing it.

    The negative points:

    Not a huge amount in terms of action actually happens. As I mentioned above, there are only a few options in that situation but as there are only 2 or 3 scenes of more than talking, it makes the film go very quickly indeed.
    SPOILER ALERT Now my major gripe and unfortunately this seems to be a trend in most films of this type. The female character. Granted she’s not as annoying as most in the genre but this is an example of the really stupid, whinging, pathetic woman surviving through blind luck when the two guys who actually tried to do something about their situation beside being useless died in a horrible way. As you will read in other reviews, wolves make an appearance and when the annoying woman actually does get down, she comes face to face with a pack of them and they mysteriously leave her alone. Considering how the other two meet their end, this is just stupid. For once I would like to see a film like this where the useless annoying woman who does nothing except have hysterics dies when the guy who does the only intelligent thing actually survives. SPOILER END

    So to conclude, this isn’t a bad film at all. I don’t think it deserves 4 stars but 3 feels a little harsh, I’d give it 3.5 if I could. Very good acting and realism but the film is let down by the limited options for action due to the setting and the stupid ending.

    Mr. N. Wildman

  10. SeaGoat under Sirius

    WARNING : manipulated reviews that give 5 stars to this quite weak film (see the dvd cover) may ruin your enjoyment. Unless you are entering fright territory for the very first time (and never saw Jaws, nor any of the myriad Hollywood shockers, let alone better fare like the recent high calibre French bone chiller, “Frontiers”); and if you know nothing about skiing – you really need to know nothing, or else it is laughably unbelievable – and, further, if you accept that the lead character is a good skier – which he most assuredly is not, as anyone who knows will spot straight away – and if after all that you can then believe that that three people can be so stupid as to leave their … and go to … and do … and … but I won’t spoil the playschool-level plot by saying more, as I have no wish to spoil what little surprise there is… except I will warn you that you have to believe that it is possible for wild wolves to infest a contemporary New England ski resort that’s in-season! Apart from a smidgen of wolfy gore you may laugh your way through the nonsense, of which there is more than a mere modicum. The dreadfully boring bulk of this rubbish will make you regret wasting money on it. 2 stars for the wolves!

    SeaGoat under Sirius

  11. A. Shannon

    It’s quite a bad movie, not sure why it gets so many good reviews. The acting and all is fine, but the story line is terrible and people only die because they don’t seem to think much. What follow is slightly spoilery I guess.

    But iff you’re going to jump, why jump from the sitting position instead of hanging from your hands to reduce the height of the fall (like on the cover which is not taken from the film)? Considering there are 3 people with loads of clothes on, why not tie them up together so one can do down and get help, with skis it will take no time to reach the bottom. Others can hold on to the clothes so everyone is nice and warm until the one that went down can get help. Nice and easy. But there is no film there.

    It also seems very unlikely that someone would decide it would be a great idea to do a ski piste in an area clearly infested by wolves that attack every humans they see … apart from the survivor of course who managed to reach the ground due to very unlikely events…

    It’s ok if you feel like wasting some time, but if you are after a good film don’t bother with this one.

    A. Shannon

  12. r.aldous

    Really enjoyed it


  13. Stefan Stefanov

    This is a really good film. If you like snow adventures, surviving in nature this is the film for you.

    Stefan Stefanov